Welcome to your source for information about the Pioneer Day Celebration being held in Pocatello, Idaho on Saturday, July 19, 2008. This year there are lots of activities that are being planned and the entire community is involved in remembering those who settled the Pocatello area. We plan on providing you with as much information that we can so you can plan your day around the activities that are suitable to you. We will post information about the PARADE and the PARADE route. The BIKE/RUN RACE as well as all of the ACTIVITIES that will take place at the Bannock County Fairgrounds. We will keep you informed of the ACTIVITIES that will be going on and how you can be involved. All the contact information will be included on this site, including: how to register a float in the PARADE, registration information for the BIKE / RUN RACE, what ACTIVITIES are happening at the fairgrounds and when, as well as all of the ENTERTAINMENT planned. If you have any concerns you can contact the chairmen of the different COMMITTEES that are are happy to assist you and answer any questions. We look forward to celebrating Pioneer Days with you!
- The 2008 Pioneer Day Committee < HOME >
Site Last Updated: July 19, 2008 at 9:14 PM
(c)2008 Pocatello Pioneer Day Committee & MYKRO COM CO - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!